Romans: The Gospel Freedom [Volume 1]
Free at last, free forever, freed to love God!
There is a famine of the word of God in today's evangelical world. Crowd-pleasing entertainment, non-confrontational messages, and outright lies have replaced the clear and bold preaching of the word of God that makes us wise unto salvation.
In 1923, J. Gresham Machen wrote Christianity and Liberalism, in which he made the point that liberalism and true Christianity are two separate religions. Shockingly, this evaluation is increasingly applicable to the evangelical church today. Many churches that call themselves evangelical and claim to believe the Bible simply have nothing to do with true Christianity.
In this dark background of godlessness, Pastor P.G. Mathew's devotional commentary on Paul's epistle to the Romans sounds the clear trumpet call of the gospel. Paul declares to Christ's church that through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, fallen, sinful man can be set free from the power and dominion of sin, the flesh, and the devil. This gospel sets us free to live a life of righteousness, love, and obedience.
Prepare to be challenged, edified, and thoroughly transformed as you read this powerful work from one of the leading conservative exegetes of our time.
716 pages
ISBN: 978-0-977114955
Romans: The Gospel Life [Volume 2]
In Romans 1–8, the apostle Paul showed how the almighty, holy God may be just and the one who justifies all sinners who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the theme of the first volume (The Gospel Freedom) in this series on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.
In light of Christ’s astounding redemption accomplished at Calvary, the apostle continues in his epistle to address two vital issues related to that redemption. First, in Romans 9 through 11, he asks why the Jews have persisted in their rejection of God’s appointed Messiah, Jesus Christ. Then, in chapters 12 through 16, he asks how, in the light of Christ’s work of redemption, should the redeemed of the Lord live by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is why this second volume is entitled The Gospel Life.
As we study these chapters, may we behold the sovereign kindness and severity of God and join with Paul in exclaiming, “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” (Rom. 11:33). Let us also agree with Paul that cultural conformity for the church is the doctrine of demons and antithetical to true Christianity, but obedience to God results in true righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. “To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen” (Rom. 16:27).
621 Pages
ISBN: 978-0799114986